MPARTICLE SER$R '9::| H' These are the subscription rates to 'Amy PD and Shareware Review. All 'prices are in New Zealand dollars and 'include postage, packaging and the 'Goods and Services Tax. Sorry - no 'credit card orders can be taken at the time of writing. New Zealand... 3 issues - $18 6 issues - $32 ' All the following overseas prices include air-mail postage. "Australia the and South Pacific... 3 issues - $23 6 issues - $41 Rest of the world... 3 issues - $28 6 issues - $50 ' Overseas readers... At the present 'rate of exchange 1 US dollar is about 'equal to 2 NZ dollars while 1 UK pound 'equals about 3 NZ dollars. I will 'adjust the number of issues you are to 'receive, up or down, if the wrong amount is sent.' If this issue is the latest one you 'have and it is a year or more old 'please write first before ordering as 'the prices may have altered or - 'heaven forbid - the magazine may have ceased production.' When ordering please state if you 'want your subscription to commence 'with the current or next issue. You &will be reminded when your'subscription is due to expire. See also the Back Issues column. Send your subscriptions to... CyberCraft PO Box 4032 Mayfair HASTINGS 4201 NEW ZEALAND ' Ensure you include your name and 'full address, how many issues you 'want, which issue to start with and &how much you have included in payment.' Amy PD Review will hopefully be 'coming out every month but at present 'I can't guarantee more than an issue 'every second month. If you are a 'subscriber and it is more than two 'months since receiving your last issue 'please get in touch. Should the &magazine cease production sub-&scriptions not fulfilled in NZ will be&refunded. Overseas readers will be&offered the equivalent number of disks from my public domain catalogue. &Carl Read - CyberCraft - January 1993. Subscriptions: Page 1 of 2 Index Subscriptions: Page 2 of 2 Index